Many Peaks Minerals Limited (ASX:MPK) (Many Peaks or the Company) is pleased to announce that exploration activities have commenced at both the FerkĂ© gold project and the OdiennĂ© gold project in CĂŽte dâIvoire, now the wet season is drawing to a close. The first month of this 2024/25 field season will see two concurrent drilling campaigns commence with auger drilling at FerkĂ©, and air core drilling at OdiennĂ©.
- Over 10,000m of drilling planned for December quarter to follow-up previous drilling successes at the OdiennĂ© and FerkĂ© gold projects, CĂŽte dâIvoire
- Ferké project auger drilling has commenced, with a 5,000m campaign covering +9km segment of gold anomalism, targeting extensions to high-grade gold mineralisation confirmed in previous drilling
- OdiennĂ© project air core drilling planned to commence over coming weeks to assess priority targets generated in previous quarterâs auger results
- Both projects fully funded for follow-up diamond and RC drilling as part of staged exploration campaigns planned to continue through the 2024/25 field season
Auger drilling has already commenced at the Ferké gold project, with three drill rigs mobilised to cover 9km of reconnaissance drilling along the highly prospective structural corridor hosting the Ouarigue South prospect. This program is designed to delineate extensional targets to open gold mineralisation confirmed in previous drilling that returned:
- 47m @ 3.72g/t gold from surface
- 77.6m @ 2.33 g/t gold from 45.9m
- 91.1m @ 2.02 g/t gold from surface
- 45.3m @ 3.16g/t gold from 45.9m
Concurrently, field work has commenced at the OdiennĂ© project, ahead of a planned 5,000m air core campaign that will assess priority targets delineated from the previous quarterâs auger drill results (refer to ASX release dated 20 August 2024). The drilling will be focussed on target delineation within more than 16km of anomalous gold trends located in the same high-strain corridor that hosts Predictive Discoveryâs 5.4Moz Au Bankan deposit, as well as the recent discovery by AwalĂ© Resources/Newmont joint venture, which is located on a contiguous land holding.
Many Peaksâ Executive Chairman, Travis Schwertfeger commented:
âFollowing the end of the West African wet season, we are pleased to have commenced Many Peaksâ 2024/2025 exploration program at our high-grade Cote dâIvoire projects. Plans for the coming months include our maiden drilling at FerkĂ©, where three auger rigs will drill 5,000m to identify extensional targets of historic holes that include 45.3m @ 3.16g/t and 39.7m @ 3.54g/t gold. We will also drill 5,000m of air core holes at OdiennĂ©, following up on extensive gold anomalism identified from drilling we conducted here in the previous season. We look forward to updating investors on our findings as we systematically assess the potential of these highly prospective projects.â
Ferké Gold Project
The FerkĂ© Gold Project (FerkĂ©) comprises 300km2 in a single granted exploration permit in northern CĂŽte dâIvoire currently undergoing a renewal process and remaining permitted for exploration activity. FerkĂ© is situated on the eastern margin of the Daloa greenstone belt at the intersection of major regional scale shear zones (Figures 1 & 3). The project area has seen substantial previous exploration activity confirming gold mineralisation but with limited follow-up work. Previous work includes high resolution geophysics, soil sampling, trenching, and RC and Diamond drilling (refer to ASX release dated 26 March 2024).
Planned Work
Many Peaksâ initial field programme at FerkĂ© is a 5,000m auger drilling campaign focused on extending the auger coverage at FerkĂ© along an additional 9km of strike extent in the >16km long corridor of soil anomalism referred to as the Leraba trend. The auger campaign is estimated to be completed in 3 to 4 weeksâ time with 400m to 600m spaced lines of sampling and planned 25m spacing between samples. Results are anticipated to refine targeting for follow-up drilling within the extensive gold anomalism which measures over 2km in width in most places (Figure 1).
The planned auger drilling at Ferké is focused on expanding the footprint of gold mineralisation confirmed in previous drilling success. An initial 18 diamond holes drilled into a limited segment of the extensive gold corridor confirmed gold mineralisation at Ferké that remains open in all directions. Results from previous drilling include 45.3m @ 3.16g/t gold from 45.9m drill depth in hole FNDC001 and 39.7m @ 3.54g/t gold from 51.4m in drill hole FNCD008 (refer to ASX announcement dated 26 March 2024).
The current programme is designed to define extensional targets within in the predominantly undrilled north-south trending segment of gold in soil anomalism of the Leraba trend. This may justify expansion of planned follow-up RC and diamond drilling work over the coming field season, and complement drill ready targets already defined on open mineralisation at the Ouarigue South prospect.
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